Friday, May 22, 2009

Falling Behind

I have missed a couple of days. I have been working on a report with the department. This was one report that I was excited to write about. Though I can not say what the topic was, I will just say that I had a fun time writing it. I am very excited for the weekend. We are going up to Midway for a good long weekend. Hopefully I can relax a little bit. We are going up with my in-laws. I do actually enjoy spending time with them. That is all for right now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 4

Yesterday was the best day so far. They definitely put me to work. I got to help with a case study we are doing about the company newsletter. It was very interesting to hear people's thoughts and opinions on the magazine. In the next couple of days, I am going to have the opportunity to write a report on what I found from the focus groups that I got to observe. I really feel like I am becoming part of the department. Everyone has been really nice to me. Although I am still the intern I have not gotten a lot of the normal stuff most college interns get. It just goes to show how great of a company XanGo really is, and how great the corporate communications department really is. The rest of the day I helped Jeff with a project on the Goodness website will be. The rest of the day I read newspapers and tried to find XanGo in the news.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 3

Friday was another fun day. I got to have a meeting with Shar. She is Bob's assistant, and as Jeff said " She is the glue that holds the department together." She was really nice. Shar also made some jewelery for my to give to my wife on Mother's day. After that I ordered office supplies and got introduced to most of the people that the department works with. At the first of the day I had a meeting with Jeff to see how I liked the first few days and to also tell me some of the projects that I was going to work on through the year. I really like Jeff he really knows his field, and is a really nice guy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 2

Yesterday was the day I got to sit down with most of the department individually and talk to them to see what they do, and how I can help. I must say our department gets to do a lot of cool stuff. It is not all fun games though. These are the hardest working people in the company. The department basically makes the company look good to all audiences, the public and also to the employees. I am really looking forward to see what happens in the next couple of months here. I would love this to be a permanent position of course. I need to make the best of it, and have them wonder what they are going to do without me in the department.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Internship Journal Day 1

I thought it would be fun for me to keep a journal of my internship. It is with the Corporate Communications Department at XanGo. I have been wanting to stay in the state to complete an internship, and to maybe even stay with XanGo. Many prayers were answered when I was told that XanGo would allow me to Intern with them. Because I have been employed with the company since December 2007, it could not have worked better. Hopefully for that reason my learning curve will not be as steep. Day 1 was a lot of getting to know who does what and how the department works. The highlight of the day was getting to listen in on a conference call with a partner PR Firm in Chicago. When I was introduced in the conference call, the firm in Chicago told me I was in the best hands possible for an internship. This was not the first time I have been told that XanGo's PR ( Corporate Communications) Department had the best in the business. As the call proceeded I could tell that I was in the same room with some of the best minds in corporate PR. I am so lucky to have this opportunity to work such great people. I am really going to try and take everything in and learn all that I can from everyone in the department. I really believe that PR is something I can do for a career, this is just first in a very long road a head in the PR field. I cant wait to see what day two will bring.