Thursday, January 31, 2008

President Hinckley

Everyone has been posting about the death of Presidnet Hinckley. I am really going to miss him. I felt like he was my prophet. He signed my mission call. He was the one that I would try and get the people to gain a testimony of. I got to thinking how hard it must have been for the early saints when they learned of the death of Joseph Smith. I can only think of the thousands of converts that knew the Prophet Joseph personally. Back then when the church was much smaller the pepople had a personal relationship with the prophet. It is funny how things stay the same. I never got to meet President Hinckley. But I still feel as though I had a personal relationship with him. In one of my Communications we talked about some of the things that shape our personal idenity. I really feel as though President Hinckley helped a great deal to shape mine, as well as my wife. The church will move forward. There will never be a prophet quite like him. We will love the necxt prophet just as much as we all loved this one. I am very excited to see how this next prophet will move the church forward as the 15 before have done.

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