Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow, & More SNOW!!!

Will it ever go away? I keep joking that we will have to have summer picnics inside this summer! This is what Amanda and I woke up to on Sunday Morning. Church was canceled so instead we went out with our neighborhood and helped shovel ALL the snow! It took me about 2 hours to just make is look decent! The one thing I love about living in Alpine is the wild life. You can always count on it. This year our neighborhood has adopted a family of deer. There is 1 Buck who is pretty good size, along with him he has 3 doe and 2 babies that tag along. We were driving home on Sunday when we saw this little head poking out of snow on someones lawn. It was one of the babies, it had its nose completely turned up so he could make it through the snow that tells you how deep it is. The Mama deer was right in front trying to lead the way and make a path for them. It was so cute! But all in all I am DONE with the winter. I am getting very antsy for Spring to come! We ABSOLUTELY love where we live and are so excited to be home this summer and play hard! Can't wait for the snow to melt! Summer just can't come fast enough!

1 comment:

crazyfirdayman said...

If you over expose your picture by one to two stops the snow will turn out white. Very nice tho, there's been no snow in London.